Obituary for Mrs. Nancy Acenthia (Wilsey) Westcott

Emmons Co. Record April 5, 1923

The last remains of Mrs. Nancy Westcott were laid to rest in Linton cemetery Sunday beside those of her husband. Although living with her daughter in Minnesota at the time of her death. She was a pioneer of Emmons Count for many years. Mrs. Nancy Wescott was born in Stonehanna county Pennsylvania in 1839. She married Jedediah W. Wescott in 1854 and moved with her husband to Arcadian, Wisconsin, leaving there and coming to North Dakota to what is now Emmons County, in 1884, where she resided until 1905. Her husband died in 1904.

She leaves surviving her two sons and daughters, George Westcott, Canada; Carrie Corbin, Washington; Arthur Westcott, Washington; Minnie Arnold, Minnesota.

The pall-bearers were: William Jones, Thomas Jones, A. N. Junge, C. F. Wagher, H. L. Petrie, Wm. McCulley.

Mrs. Westcott passed away at Thief River Falls, Minn., on the 28th of March last at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Arnold.

Obit for Nancy A Wilsey

This is the original Obituary for Nancy A. Wescott.

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