Obituary for Jedediah Wesley Wescott

Linton, North Dakota, Oct 14, 1904


An Old Settler Dead

Last Monday morning, October 10, Judge J. W. Wescott passed away after an illness of a little more than a week. He had not been in good health for some time having hardly recovered form a former attack of the same disease, enteritis.

The deceased was born in Canada West, about 40 miles north of Toronto on January 3, 1833, and was therefore nearly 72 years of age at the time of his death. Until a few years ago, Mr. Wescott seemed as ?ale and hearty as most persons a score of years younger, but he had aged very rapidly of late. At the age of 25 years he was married to Nancy Acenthia. He came to the United States in 1854 and to this county in 1883.

The funeral was held Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock at the home of the deceased. The funeral services were conducted by the Rev. J. E. McKinney and the remains of our old friend, followed by many friends of the deceased, was taken to its final resting place in the Linton cemetery. The pall-bearers were: G. W. Lynn, W. O. Irwin, W. J. Marchant, Wm. Johnson, Wm. Jones and W. Kyes.

Deceased leaves a wife and five children to mourn his loss. The children living are as follows: George, of Moscow, Idaho; Caroline, wife of Jas. A Corbin, of Linton N.D.; Luther, of Linton; Arthur, of Linton; Minnie, wife of Arthur Keebler, of Linton. Luther was in Idaho, but a telegram was sent to him, last Saturday, saying that his father was not expected to live, and he started for home at once. The children were all present for the funeral except George, who could not get there. There are twenty-two grandchildren living.

Mr. Wescott's death was peaceful and at the last there was no pain, but up to within a day or two of his death he was in great agony and it was necessary to keep him under the influence of a drug to soothe the pain.

The sympathy of all is extended to the sorrowing relatives and especially to the aged widow who has lost her faithful friend and help mate of a half a century.


This is the original Obituary for Jedediah Wesley Wescott.

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