History of the Wescott Family


Ken Wescott and his wife Dayna Wescott

(November 17, 2001)

I would like to thank my cousin Mike, who saved me a lot of time and energy. Without his help, I would just be getting started. I would like to also thank all of the people that sent Mike their information who in turn helped to create this Web Site. As I get pictures scanned, I will upload them to this site. If anyone has any information on any of the people listed, it would be greatly appreciated if you would email me and let me know what you have.

People of Main Interest.

Jedediah Wesley Wescott. This is as far as we can trace back the Wescott Family. He was born Jan 3, 1833 in Rawdon, Canada West. He immigrated to Black River Falls, Jackson Co, Wisconsin in 1854. Jedediah married Nancy Acenthia Wilsey Jan 30, 1858.

Maclay family- I know that they immigrated from Ireland and Scotland. As there are may different ways of spelling this name, it may very well be that we are all related. I have recieved emails from New Zealand where the connection seems to be Contin, Ireland. If anyone has information regarding this connection, let me know.

If you happen to have any information on these people, please email me. Please sign my guestbook before you leave. Your comments are valued. Many Thanks again to everyone who contributed to this project.

Table of Contents

BulletMy Family
BulletMy Family Photos
BulletSurname List
BulletIndex of Names
BulletWescott History
BulletMaclay History
BulletSources (Bibliography)
BulletDownload a GEDCOM file of this data

Who to Contact for More Information

Email Send E-mail to kgoofy7@yahoo.com
Send mail to:
Ken Wescott

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Last updated on Wednesday, January 17, 2001.