Some Interesting Facts on the Maclay History.

I recieved the following histories on the Maclay History from my Cousin Mike. Mike recieved this History from Walter Maclay.

Mr. Maclay has done a lot of research on the History of the Maclays and deserves some well applauded recognition. I have included in this page, a copy of his writings for your interest. There is also a link at the bottom of the page for a copy of his writings in Word97 format.

Thank you Mr. Maclay.

This page is dedicated to you.

Early Maclay History

Saratoga's First Hundred Years, Charles Maclay

Sites that I have found on the Internet. Please let me know if these links do not work.

Civil War Letters from James Maclay

Journal of William Maclay, United States Senator from Pennsylvania, 1789-1791

Manuscript Group 352 MACLAY FAMILY PAPERS 1788-1933

An attempt to block the Maclay Rancho Water Company

Photos that I have scanned for your enjoyment!

Photo of David R. Maclay

Photo of Fleta Maclay

Photo of Samuel Maclay 1856

Photo of Senator William Maclay

Photo of Senator David "Squire" Maclay

Download the Early Maclay History Document in Word 97 Format (zipped)

Last updated Friday, October 20, 2000

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